Thu 02 Jan
Sorry no raunchy title here honey!...Just a naturally Beautiful sweet S.B. ready 2 be a BAD girl ;)6 - 25
(Atlanta, NORTH OF ATLANTA ( 2 8 5 north))
(( SOMETHiNG NEW )) ((( .KiNDA LiKE A ViRGiN ))) WaNNa& ToUcH Me 4 tHe vERy 1sT TiMe - 21
(buck baby)
★ SeXy ★ THICK ★ DouBLe D ★ AdDICting ★ 100% ReAL piCs - 23
(Vinnings/Marietta - FathersDayTREAT!!!)
SEXY SORORITY Girl - BLONDE with SPARKLING BLUE Eyes and Long Legs...Visiting from LA - 21
Sexy Saturday with N.Y. finest!!!💋Qv 40 Special's💋60,Hh Special's!!!!! come see me 💋 - 29
(Atlanta, Marietta, Otp North)
Sexy 🍫CHOCOLATE FREAK🍫 from OHIO••$45..w/a Nice Booty..Come Enjoy Yourself $45••All Night SATURDAY - 20
(Otp South, STOCKBRIDGE...Incall Only)
😻😻😻Sexy As I Want To Be 😍😍😍Ebony Mixed Model A 10 On The Scales 🏆🏆🏆Outcall - 25
(Atlanta, Otp North, Outcall 75N /75S Cobb)
☆ SEXY BBW warM iNSiDE $60! ♛• §€XY white ChocoLate TreAT ♛$80• i WiLL caTer 2 U ✰ ♛ ☆ - 22
(Otp North, 85 North Duluth*104*InCall)
SEXxY ((° *MAMA* °* ° *SEXY DOLL * ° ELITE! )) - 20
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* _★·._ SeXy_ ·.¸.·´¯* _HoT_ ·.¸.·´¯* _★·._ BLoNDe_ ♥ ·.¸.·´¯* - 30
(Atlanta, Alpharetta/400 North)
~Sexi petite~ Satisfaction Guarantee~ Paris Tha Pleasurable~ - 22
(Atlanta, Downtown, Dekalb, Norcross, Midtown)
Sexual Chocolate Kinky Kaye ReAdY 2 p.l.a.y. out - 25
(Otp East, Flakes Mill and all surrounding areas..)
▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ ▀▄▀❤ ▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ❤ °°•★•°° SEDUCTIVE BLONDE JENNA°°•★•°° ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ ▀▄▀❤ - 24
(Savannah, Highway 80 / Garden City Exit - Pooler)
***-------- SeDuCtIvE --------*** ~~~~ DeLicIoUs ~~~ *** eXtReMeLy ~~~~ AdDiCtIvE~~~~ - 23
60QK ♥S U P E R **♥** S O AK E R ♥ -60QK - 21
(285 riverdale//incalls)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 2 - 21
(Atlanta, 285 exit la vista)
$Russian/Latina tomale to show you a great time and hard to forget$ - 20
(Atlanta, Hammond dr & Peachtree Dunwwoody rd)
💋💋S E X Y Thick 💯✔ BigTatted Up B00Ty💋💋2Damn Sexy...40.50&up; incall - 25
(Atlanta, 85 South Airport AreA In-40&UP;)
💎•★S£X¥☆S₩€£T☆•★ YOUR #1🔝Gorgeous Blonde 1OO % Real ! ★• AVAiLABLE-N0W•★💎NEW - 21
(Atlanta, Incall, Otp South)
🌷 Roses👄 are ❤Red🌷💜 Violet's💙 are 💜🅱lue💐 🅱ring 💄💙💋that 🅿🔩Pe👔 I'll 🚰Drain👠 for U💘 - - 19
(Atlanta, chamblee Tucker rd. la vista rd, Otp North)
~* Round, Plump, Soft Things To Handle *~ "Come Over" (( Im CINNAMON)) 678)) 887-5946 - 22
RiSE 'N' SHiNE SPECiALS[80hr] THERAPY [80hr] 1pm ONLY! - 22
[✔] REVIEWED! 185013 [✔] ItALiaN BBW [✔] SeDuCtIvE GREEn Eyes & 40 DDD's ❤ $59 PRIVATE pLeaSuReS - 30
@@@ REVIEWED SYMMONE!! ***166552 @@@ PICS 100% ME!!!@@@SeXy FrEaK!!!@@@ - 30
(Otp East, Tucker/Stone Mntn)
*REVIEWED*¨¨*•- ¦:-•* YoUr • OwN • SpArKLinG • • StAr •-: :-•*¨ 100%me! - 21
(Otp North, Roswell sandysprings. Buckhead)
😇🎀🎀ReAdy&ReAL;🎀💚 hottt🔥🔥🔥**Your Very OwnBoDy RuB Beauty** All Natural All Nude All yours 😇❤❤ - 21
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta)