Sat 04 Jan
Try out!!! 5Girls Available 60.. Donation 60.60 60.. Call Us Now b4 10. We New Atlanta. Wet & Nasty - 21
(Atlanta/Dwntown 17th Street)
❤❤▓█ TONIGHT Cartersville 7p to 11p - THICK CHOCOLATE BBW - Busty 36F - Cartersvilles' Finest ▓█▓❤❤ - 28
(Atlanta, CARTERSVILLE (IN-CALL) - EXIT 288 - 75N)
🌺🌺TiReD oF YoUr BoRiNg LiFe💤 💤& WiFe?? 🏡👰🔫 TrY SoMeThiNg ItaLiAn &WhiTe;!!!💎💋💋 - 23
(Atlanta, Perimeter/Peachtree indust./Chamblee/Nor)
¦ToUch Me♥ TeASe ME* -:¦:-*KiSs Me ♥PlEaSe Me* -:¦Do YoU WaNt 2 Play - 21
T€mPTiNg 🔲🔲 ❤❤❤🔲🔲 THURSDAYS 🔲🔲❤❤❤ 🔲🔲 chamblee - 24
(Otp East, atlanta chamblee-tucker 285, doraville,)
Tonight my last night here ~~ Come see me before I go ~~Specials til I go ~~ 100 hr - 36
(Atlanta, 75,Marietta,Windy Hill,Delk Rd, dobbins)
** Top Notch Ebony Beauty!!! 100/HR OutCaLL SpeciaLs!! - 28
(Atlanta, ** 100 Outcall Special **METRO ATLANTA)
thixkk and Juiiceyy ...Dont WANNA miss out on this ;) .# Aquafina floww ... - 20
(Atlanta, marietta)
❤ M ORNI NG ❤ PL EAS URE S ❤ - 21
(██ 【$75】►Incal Specialsl Jimmy Carter ██)
*°. THICK TATTOOED GODDESS .°* 100% Real Me b0dy like N0 other 36c-24-40 thick B00TY chick - 20
(285south-AIRPORT AREA-INcalls ONLY- LOOK)
{Thick In All The Right Places, Ready && Willing !} Specials! Specials! Specials ! - 19
(Atlanta, Camp Creek Pkwy /Airport Area)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•** THIRSTY THURSDAY SPECIALS! •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•** - 34
(Atlanta, All Stone Mountain (Private Residence))
:*: * THICK :*: * SO SEXY :*: * WHITE :*: BEAUTY :*: * 100% REAL :*: * SPECIALS - 22
(Otp North, UNION CITY 138)
Thick White Girl *** Pretty & Brunette *** Khloe Running 100 $$$ Specials ( 404 ) 246- - 22
THiiCK AZ B00TY ...... Soft az body & I'M READY 2 PLAY .... Up Late BABY - 20
(Atlanta, 285south-INCALLS 0nly-so come see me)
💠🍎💠🌇▃▅▆█🔴█▆▅▃__🍀✴🍀✴🍀___ ⒶⒷⓈⓄⓁⓊⓉⒺⓁⓎ THE ⓈⒺⓍⒾⒺⓈⓉ GIRLS! ___🍀✴🍀✴🍀__▃▅▆█🔴█▆▅▃🌇💠🍎💠 - 23
(Atlanta, 🌇🌇__ALPHARETTA / 770-740-7787__🌇🌇)
tHe ReAl DeAl ... uPsCaLe bLoNdE ... LeTs MaKe It HapPeN™ 60/100/150 - 21
(Atlanta, in Smyrna // out EVERYWHERE)
____ The ___ G i r l ___ You ___ W I S H ___ You ___ L i v e d ___ N e x t ___ D o o r ___ To ____ - 23
(Atlanta, Blondes have more fun!) (Buckhead)
__ THe __ PLaYBoY __ MaNSioN __ iS __ MiSSiNG __ oNe ===> __ CuRVy __ B L o N D e __ PLaYMaTe __ - 24
THE BEST EROTIC EXPERIENCE ......... D,D Breast And Ready To Satisfy All Your Needs - 21
(wesley chapel exit 68)
S*H*A*W*T*Y (GoT) A*zzZZZzzZZZ (FoR) D*A*Y*S! BoOtY / WeTt Pu$$y / ReAdY NoW!!!!
SwEEt & NiCe (()) LaTiN & WHiTE (()) ThUrSdAy DeLiEgHt (()) YeAh iTs LikE ThAt (!!) - 21
(SeXy StReeT)
( SW33T ___________ L!K3 ____________ H0N3Y ) ~~ PrettY & JuiCy ItaLiaN BBW ~~ - 28
(The Sexy and Seductive S.Side ~ Airport)
SuPer ***Sexxy *** LAtENITE *** FrEaKy **FuN With ****SEduCtIOn *** - 28
(Atlanta, Wesley Chapel,Decatur,Stone Mtn,Lithonia)
SPECIALS~~ Ready To Play HOT Seductive Playmate For Your Desire~SPECIALS - 26
(Atlanta, ~ ~ALPHARETTA~ ~)
***** SPECIALS ***** PoRnStAr FREAK SiMpLy ThE BeSt EvEr CuM GeT WeTT U DeSeRvE ******
(South Atlanta)
Spice up your morning or come for something special for lunch? Come and relax with my touch. - 21
(peachtree corners/ Norcross)
SPECIALS NCALLS uNforgettabE 1000% iTs Me Guarneteed!!! SKY-new2area - 24
(Atlanta, Otp East, stone mountain)
👑🏆💄🎂Specials for the grown & sexy 💎💦👯🎁 - 21
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Columbus, Columbus Ga, Airport Thurway)
**SPANiSh Fly for YOU ToNight**DONT MiSs OUT!! The SWeeT and Beautiful SOFiA**AVAiLABLE NOW!! - 22
(Atlanta, Norcross/141/Holcomb Bridge)
Soft and sensual touch __________ Soft and sensual touch __________ Soft and sensual touch - 26
Soft Slippery and Warm 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌Carmen 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 5 star 👌👌👌👌👌678-913-99 - 23
(Atlanta, INCALL CLAIRMONT RD/ exit 91/)
Spanish Asian Freak ready to please. . 😍😘😗😙 Gwinnet - 20
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Otp North, Pleasant Hill, Lawrenceville, Gwinnet Co)
SOME THING NEW«« sLiM pEtite BARBIE with a JUICY JIGGLY AZZ» 5o&7ospcls incALLS tonight only - 21
(Atlanta, Chamblee tucker rd./exit 33/incall spcls)
!!!!!!!!!!So AMAZIN to feel something real or a MIDGET like me!!!!!!!!!!!! - 25
(Atlanta, Atlanta, decatur off moreland)
sexy thick WHITE/CHOCOLATE Exotic JLO jlo jlo For mature UPSCALE Gents*** incall incall*** - 37
(Atlanta, decatur,atlanta,chamblee,midtown, Otp East)